



Thank you for contacting (mt) Media Temple!
I have checked the status of the SSL installation and I can confirm it has been installed and working correctly.
That being said, as this SSL was not provided by us we are unable to provide troubleshooting for any issues that arise from 3rd party SSLs. You should contact the SSL provider in regarding to this issue. As a courtesy I have done a bit of research and found that the problem may be because no Issuer Chain was provided or you did not install it. Please bring this information to your SSL provider for help on what should be done.


You may get this error message due to the CA Certificates (Intermediates) were not properly imported on the server.
It shows as follows
Trusted by Microsoft? Yes
Trusted by Mozilla? No (unable to get local issuer certificate) UNTRUSTED
This can be fixed by importing a proper CA Certificate bundle on your host. Please find the CA-Bundle file from the attachment and upload it on your host to fix this issued.
Please let us know if you need any further assistance.

附件附上“ca-bundle”证书。按以往的经验在MT主机后台中导入相应证书,但是发现还是不行。问题依旧,问题到底出现在那里呢?后来在Comodo支持文档中找到“Certificate Installation: Apache & mod_ssl”这篇文章。里内有一段内容如下:

In the VirtualHost section of the file please add these directives if they do not exist. It is best to comment out what is already there and add the below entries.
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/ssl.key/server.key
SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/ssl.crt/yourDomainName.crt
SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/ssl/ssl.crt/yourDomainName.ca-bundle ***



然后再工具测试:Trusted by Mozilla:Yes。然后借台安卓手机访问,嘿,也没有在显示“该证书并非来自可信的授权中心”,原来SSL证书不可信问题就是出现在此。记录本文,希望给大家一些思路,在MT主机CP中设置SSL除了导入证书外,还需要以上这一步。

再经测试,你在MT后台导入证书时,把yourDomainName.ca-bundle所以内容放进“CA/Chain Certificate”选项中,也相当于上面的这样操作。我建议选择把yourDomainName.ca-bundle所以内容放进“CA/Chain Certificate”选项中。也就是把当初提供给我们的证书AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt、COMODORSAAddTrustCA.crt、COMODORSADomainValidationSecureServerCA.crt证书所有内容汇总后全放进“CA/Chain Certificate”选项中。


    1. 佐仔



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