


WordPress SEO by Yoast是我之前选择的SEO插件,在设置过程中,为了提高搜索引擎收录的数量,把关键字、分类、多媒体都分别归类。这样的设置表面上是好的,但真正的效果是每一篇文章的关键字被搜索引擎默认为权重最高的;同时在此过程中,该插件还加了一些社会化功能,功能是好的,但真的不是很实用,反而会分散了文章内容的权重;同时在很多地方都加入了noindex 标签,造成文章页有noindex签标,从而使文章内容不被搜索引擎收录;还有WordPress SEO by Yoast自带了sitemap自动生成功能,但生成的XML文件内容,唉,你懂的,于是乎上面所说的悲剧就发生了。于是第一时间把该插件删掉,不再追求什么description和key Words了。 继续阅读

WordPress vulnerability mass-fixed on our servers


Dear xxx,

Recently, a critical 0-day vulnerability was discovered in the Genericons package, which comes with the popular Jetpack plugin and the TwentyFifteen theme of WordPress. The latter is installed by default with all recent WordPress installations/updates. The vulnerability represents a DOM-based XSS (cross-site scripting), and it allows attackers to modify the execution of scripts in the user/visitor browser. For example, if a site administrator is tricked to click on a link while logged in to the WordPress site, the attacker could gain control over the site.

As the vulnerability affects millions of sites on the Internet, we took proactive steps to secure automatically all WordPress installations on our servers. On May 6, we set permissions 000 to the "genericons/example.html" files on your accounts, and later deleted these files from the server. A full list of the affected files can be found below.<!--more-->

The "example.html" file is not necessary for the operation of a WordPress installation.

A general security precaution is to always keep your software up to date, along with its plugins and themes.

If you need any additional information, you can always contact us through our support site http://www.suresupport.com.

Best regards,
ICDSoft Team


Domain name xxx.com:
- /home/xxx/xxx/www/wp-content/themes/twentyfifteen/genericons/example.html


NOTE: This message comes from a "noreply" mailbox. Please do not reply directly to it. If you need to get in touch with us, please use our support ticketing system at http://www.suresupport.com.


你升级 WordPress 4.1 了吗?

刚才登陆后台,发现最新 WordPress 4.1简体中文版已发布,还是和以往一样,一键升级,我从来都是毫不犹豫升级的。但是升级还是发现了两个问题,以前的主题也全部升级了,我没有备份的后果就是之前修改的主题完全恢复成初始化,噢,天呀。还好我用的是子主题,影响不大。

WordPress 4.1版都还来了那些新的特性吗?

首先是默认主题换成了Twenty Fifteen,之前曾与大家分享过它的测试版,不错的哟。是一套以明晰为中心的面向博客的主题。Twenty Fifteen有着无懈可击的语言支持。简单的排版在任何屏幕尺寸上都容易阅读。您的内容永远居于最中,无论是在手机、平板、膝上型电脑还是台式机上阅读都是如此。 继续阅读


平时喜欢折腾博客主题,所以测试过不少WordPress theme,发现某些WordPress theme非常之棒,虽然因为这样那样的原因,最终选择使用自已心仪的Twenty Twelve Child,然而这些折腾过的主题真的值得推荐。同时我又是一位有轻度洁癖的人,博客后台不用的主题与插件都会删除,保持其干净,所以以下几款主题趁我还没有删除之前荐给大家。



功能强大,简洁,美丽,可以定制样式,并且100%的自适应,该主题一直没有被删除,保存在后台。 继续阅读

WordPress 免插件仅代码实现 Gravatar 头像缓存

Gravatar是一项用于提供在全球范围内使用的头像服务。只要你在Gravatar的服务器上上传了你自己的头像,你便可以在其他任何支持Gravatar的博客、论坛等地方使用它。但由于大中华局域网的原因, Gravatar 头像所托管的网站有时候会挂掉,就算不挂速度也很慢。所以,有必要在自己的服务器端来缓存 Gravatar 头像,这样做也会给你的博客也提提速,那怕是那几毫秒。


下面的代码来自于Willin Kan,由于Willin Kan大神不玩WordPress了,所以这段代码绝对值得收藏。 继续阅读